Irum Rauf, Marian Petre, Thein Tun, Tamara Lopez, Paul Lunn, Dirk Van der Linden, John Towse, Helen Sharp, Mark Levine, Mark, Awais Rashid, and Bashar Nuseibeh (2021). The Case for Adaptive Security Interventions. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (In Press) (2021). The Case for Adaptive Security Interventions. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (In Press)
Joseph Hallett, Nikhil Patnaik, Ben Shreeve, Awais Rashid: Do this! Do that!, And Nothing will happen": Do specifications lead to securely stored passwords? In: Proc. 43rd Intenrational Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Madrid, Spain, 2021.
Awais Rashid: Developer-centred Security. In: Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, S. Jajodia, P. Samarati, M. Yung (eds.), Springer, 2021.
Dirk van der Linden, Emma Williams, Joseph Hallett, Awais Rashid: The impact of surface features on choice of(in)secure answers by Stackoverflow readers. In: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2020.
Dirk van der Linden, Pauline Anthonysamy, Bashar Nuseibeh, Thein Than Tun, Marian Petre, Mark Levine, John Towse, Awais Rashid. (2020). Schrödinger's Security: Opening the Box on App Developers' Security Rationale. In: Proc. 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Seoul, South Korea, 2020.
Irum Rauf, Dirk van der Linden, Mark Levine, John Towse, Bashar Nuseibeh, Awais Rashid. Security but not for security’s sake: The impact of social considerations on app developers’ choices. In: 13th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), Seoul, South Korea, 2020.
Dirk van der Linden, Irit Hadar, Matthew Edwards, Awais Rashid. (2019). Data, data, everywhere: quantifying software developers' privacy attitudes. In: Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of SecuriTy (STAST), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2019.
Nikhil Patnaik, Joseph Hallett, and Awais Rashid. (2019). An Analysis of Developers’ Struggle With Crypto Libraries In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Dirk van der Linden, Awais Rashid, Emma Williams, and Bogdan Warinschi. 2018. Safe Cryptography for All: Towards Visual Metaphor Driven Cryptography Building Blocks. In SEAD’18: SEAD’18:IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment , May 27, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 4, 4 pages.
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Weir, C., Rashid, A. & Noble, J. How should mobile app programmers learn security? comparing and contrasting expert views, In Proceedings of International Workshop on Security Information Workers at SOUPS, 2016.
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